Friday, January 4, 2008



Monday, November 26, 2007


We had a great time!
Here's a before and after pic I took

and a video...

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Bad Boys,Bad Boys, Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? OK, so maybe a 2yr & 3yr old cooped up in a hotel room wasn't super easy, but it's always nice to do things together! The boys thought hiding in the closets was fun, but somehow we always knew where they were...

I don't know what this game is, but they really liked it. A train maybe?

Melanie outside on the balcony! It was really cold. She stood out there with me as the lights came on and did the countdown! We could hear the crowd outside counting, but the rest of the family inside was listening to it on TV which had a 5 second lag, so they were a bit off.

Jeremy usually forgets to smile when he is taking our picture. This is his concentrating face! I can't manage to get both our heads in the frame so it's my job to remind him to smile... ooops!

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Our two Greeks =) Aren't they cute? I'm glad they were able to come home from college for a little visit.

Uncle J used some hotel points to snag a room on the Plaza to watch the lighting ceremony from inside! It was my mom's idea, and I think everyone had fun, even if the boys are crazy men.
The hotel was supposed to send a parking pass, but it never arrived. Apparantly in that envelope was also instructions to not bring food into the hotel. However, we had no idea and had a lot of snacks!


Momma... looks like she is up to something, doesn't she?

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Monday, October 29, 2007


We're always proud of Dan, but it was so exciting for the whole family to road-tip down to Missouri State University (where Dan and Meli attend)for the big Homecomming game. The final score was ridiculously good, but we were there for the announcement of the new King 2007.
Here are a few highlights from the trip. I have to say the parade that morning was top notch! We all really enjoyed it!

In the Parade

Being Crowned King

Hoisted on Shoulders

Family =)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A good King is never too busy to play with his loyal subjects (nephews)

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Oklahoma Trip

Last week was so fun! First, we Finished the homestudy! YAY!!!
and, it was signed on our 8 year anniversary. What does that mean? Nothing. I still like it.
That night, we drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jeremy was scheduled to work at a job site there, and one of my best friends (of 17 years!) Mandy lives there. We haven't seen each other in years, although we talk on the phone and email daily. How perfect that I got to visit her, especially after she came through last minute with a beautiful reference for our homestudy!

Me and Mandy

We went to the zoo one day, and I could not believe that poisonous frogs were sitting around within touching distance! There were signs everywhere saying not to touch the frogs. You could not take Ben there. It seriously gave me the creeps! It was in the rainforest section, and there were vines and such hanging from the ceiling, tiny monkeys running around, birds and rat-like creatures walking past us... yuck!

Me with Mandy's kiddos. The kids were so sweet, they were so excited to meet me (my first time meeting the 2 little ones) and I even babysat them for 3 hours while Mandy had to take her husband to the Dentist for some work.
The kids were so polite, maybe the most polite I've ever met, and did I mention sweet? Wow, what a group!

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Birthday!

My mom made me a gluten-free birthday cake! Isn't that awesome? She didn't know I can have icing, so she put a lot of chocolate chips in it. It was yummy, there was hardly any left to take home.
Benny helped me blow out the candles, he loves birthday parties! He talked about my birthday for days, it was SO sweet!
That night, we met some friends at Aubelos, one of my favorite restaraunts. After we listened to a band playing on the stage in the park and had Coldstone. It ended up being a good night.





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Benny w/ Mammie & Kay

Mom and I took Ben to a little festival the other night. We all had a good time. First Ben played on all the jumpy things, then had a snack, and mom realized she bought too many tickets so we went to get his face and hair painted.



Uh-Oh, the pink didn't exactly come off for a few days.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baby Blues

Me and Joshua...

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mochi's First Birthday!

We went to Three Dog Bakery on the Plaza and picked up a couple of treats for her.
She liked off all the icing on both of them, but wasn't sure what to do with the cake.



Friday, August 24, 2007

Family Day!


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In Springfield

This is what we'd look like! =)

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ethnic Enrichment Festival

We met some friends at the Ethnic Enrichment Festival and had a great time! There were so many countries represented and I think we at least looked at all the booths. Of course, the Colombia booth was our favorite, and the food so yummy!
Mochi enjoyed the festival to, always making friends that girl...

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Me & My Buddy

Back in the 80's, my brother had a doll called "my buddy" and it looked like his little twin... now Uncle J gets a "buddy"! No, seriously though, Ben was already dressed like this when we picked them up!
...everywhere you go, I go... my buddy, my buddy,... my buddy and me!

Ben evaluating the waterslide...

We had fun at the park, luckily we went at the hottest part of the day too... hot enough to make Uncle J try out the big waterslide himself! (of course, he was only there to help Ben...)LOL!