Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Fun at the Lake with Jeremy's sister Melody, Loren, and baby Joshua.

What? A picture? Oh no, I couldn't. I'm just too shy...

Oh yeah, Definately related!

This is why he's so blond...

I guess this Uncle and Aunt are ok...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Washington D.C

The flight to Washington D.C. was very nice. Midwest Airlines has footrests at every seat which those of us (ME!) with short legs can really appreciate!

The airport is connected to the subway,
Our hotel was part of the underground mall that is connected to the subway also. We didn't actually see the outside of the hotel until our last day when we decided to take the hotel shuttle to the airport and donate our subway cards.
I brought my own bellboy. I highly recommend doing so, it comes in very handy.

After a short rest at the hotel, we were off to be tourist-y! Jer tried to make it look convincing at the Capitol building.

A pretty park with a waterfall.

The Washington monument by day...

And the Washington Monument by night...

I never knew that the monument had been started and stopped so many times. It is obvious too. I thought it was pretty neat to see the lines. OF course, you can't see them from a great distance, and I had thought the monument was lit up, but really it reflects light from the flagpoles surrounding it.
View from the Lincoln...

The Lincoln Memorial from a distance. Those ants on the steps are college students from nearby Washington University


On our way, we walked through the WWII Memorial. It was beautiful and peaceful.

The next day was Shawn's Navy Ceremony. We both had a lot of fun. Admirals and captains, and enlisted men all came up to say Hi to us. (They didn't know that they didn't know us! I thought it was Awesome!HEHEHE!)

Kayah with the Lone Sailor at the US NAVY Memorial

Jeremy "driving" a Battleship at the Smithsoniam Air and Space Museum

Outside the National Archives. It was so neat! I haven't been there since I was about 12yrs old, and some things have changed, but it was still great! We waited in line for over an hour to get inside to see the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and more but of course could not use flash photography so here are pics from outside the building! =)

Although we didn't know it at the time of these photos, we were standing in front of one of Amelia Earnheart's planes.

With the Wright Brothers... One of my favorite parts of this museum was the articles, newspaper clippings, books of the day ridiculing the Wright brothers for trying to fly! (In many languages, but the French were funniest!)
Jeremy's eyes were closed, but it was a one shot deal...

When traveling, it is important to look for signs to tell you where you are. Chinatown made it a little easier...

I cannot pass up a smoothie... especially one that comes with a cookie on the straw!

At some point we stopped to rest by this big house and posed for an impromptu pic...

Art Fair & Friends

Fresh from the puppy spa, Mochi takes in the art scene.
It was very crowded, but she did a good job of not getting stepped on.

Jeremy, Ben, and Beau play Basketball

Kayah, Ben, & Jer at Minsky's. Finally, a place we can draw on the tables!

Beau Baby looking for the perfect 2yr old birthday present. He has his catalouge and found the toddler aisle!

Benny has only been in preschool for a month, but is already teaching us a few things... (and no, this was not a staged photo! I looked over, and there he was!)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Beloit Kansas Adventures

Doesn't this look like an old west saloon? I do love brick streets, too bad you can't see them in this picture.

Jeremy drove me to Salina one day, we ate out and then, when leaving, heard a wthump! Jeremy started laughing so hard, but made me get out of the car to find out what happened. =)

Mochi wanted to see too. She loves the foam pillow I made her to boost her to window height. And yes, she does wear a doggie seatbelt. No Flying Projectile puppies for us!

Another attraction near Beloit is "Rock City" and boy do they mean it! The signs/directions were horrible, and we had no idea what Rock City was, so we were not too suprised to find a bunch of rocks. However, we were surprised that someone expected payment of $3 per person to see thier rocks. Upon reading that sign, Jer did a U-turn and I snapped this pic out the window on our way.

After our big adventure, our dusty, dirty, filthy car need a good wash. I was impressed by the rainbow of soap colors. =) Better than a Pink Floyd Laser Light Show =) (by the way, that was a good lesson that you don't have to "call now to win" every time the radio tells you to.)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Apparantly I didn't take many pictures on Mday. (Although I must say that the radiant beauty of my mom on that day will be forever etched in my mind, and not just because the sunlight shining through the window caught the sparklies in her shirt creating a dazzling prism on the wall)

However, I did manage to get a few pics of Jeremy.
This is Jer deciding to go wash Beau baby's hands. Beau thinks it's funny, he is so sticky!

Look how paitently Benny is waiting. He actually already washed his hands, but when he heard Uncle J was making another trip, he decided to go again! =)

Bye Bye Boys in Blue