Monday, October 29, 2007


We're always proud of Dan, but it was so exciting for the whole family to road-tip down to Missouri State University (where Dan and Meli attend)for the big Homecomming game. The final score was ridiculously good, but we were there for the announcement of the new King 2007.
Here are a few highlights from the trip. I have to say the parade that morning was top notch! We all really enjoyed it!

In the Parade

Being Crowned King

Hoisted on Shoulders

Family =)
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A good King is never too busy to play with his loyal subjects (nephews)

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Oklahoma Trip

Last week was so fun! First, we Finished the homestudy! YAY!!!
and, it was signed on our 8 year anniversary. What does that mean? Nothing. I still like it.
That night, we drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jeremy was scheduled to work at a job site there, and one of my best friends (of 17 years!) Mandy lives there. We haven't seen each other in years, although we talk on the phone and email daily. How perfect that I got to visit her, especially after she came through last minute with a beautiful reference for our homestudy!

Me and Mandy

We went to the zoo one day, and I could not believe that poisonous frogs were sitting around within touching distance! There were signs everywhere saying not to touch the frogs. You could not take Ben there. It seriously gave me the creeps! It was in the rainforest section, and there were vines and such hanging from the ceiling, tiny monkeys running around, birds and rat-like creatures walking past us... yuck!

Me with Mandy's kiddos. The kids were so sweet, they were so excited to meet me (my first time meeting the 2 little ones) and I even babysat them for 3 hours while Mandy had to take her husband to the Dentist for some work.
The kids were so polite, maybe the most polite I've ever met, and did I mention sweet? Wow, what a group!

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