Friday, March 2, 2007

Mochi's Fashions

Such a Diva!
She loves to go shopping and I let her pick out some of her own outfits. She favors pink. I don't know if that shade of grey really speaks to her or if it is something else... Also, she is very picky about her chew toys, favoring the fluffiest stuffed toys and squeakys. I hold her up to eye level with all the toys, and she inspects them all. I've tried buying ones that she's not interested at the store, and surprise, she isn't interested in them at home either! So, she gets to pick them out.

Getting them on is the easy part.
She WILL try to bite you if you take her clothes away.
I'm glad she's a girl puppy because there are more outfits available.

This was her Valentine's Day look.

Her own suite at the hotel (In Chicago)
A kennel, pillow, blanket, and food... a little sunshine and she is all set!

Next is the princess costume we bought on clearance for next halloween.

I can't wait until her hair grows out again... this winter perhaps... look how beautifully fluffy she was!


Anonymous said...

You might oughta contact PETA about this poor dog. No animal should be subject to such abuse! :-)

Jer Scofield said...

She LOVES wearing clothes, she just doesn't like the rain.